mo-fr 8:00 Uhr/8 a.m. - 13:00 Uhr/1 p.m.
Englisch Deutsch

Password renewal?

Change your password in three easy steps.

Step 1:
Please enter the e-mail address, you used for creating your account at Voltigiershop !

Step 2:
Click the link in the confirmation e-mail we'll send to you. On the now opening webpage enter your new password.

Step 3:
Log in with your new password.

Security code:
Security code:
E-mail address:

Click continue to request the password change e-mail!


Dear customers!
We are a manufacturer for sportswear and manufacture your functional / acrobatic clothing in Germany itself.

Therefore, we can offer you excellent quality and best fit.
Determine your own material and color combination on many models - there are more than 1000 possibilities.
Repeat orders are possible for longtime.

We offer a printing service for clubs / groups - please contact us.
Delivery times may vary slightly - we do our best and often make the impossible possible. Contact us!
Our models are trademark protected "Ute Bächer brand models" and "sporthoch2 designs" may not be copied.

For the determination of the right size we can send you try-on models! Request fabric samples for better color / material selection.

Your sporthoch2 team
Mehr von uns

Modern Performance and Training gear by our second brand sporthoch2 - perfect values for Fitness and Training

Find out more about us and discover more of us - in our further online presence at -
just click on the photo.